Copyright 2013. Aspermont Small Business Development Center. All Rights Reserved.

Aspermont Small Business Development Center

​​The West Central Texas Region 7 Regionally Coordinated Transportation Planning (RCTP)



Double Mountain Coach (DMC) serves a large diverse population of individuals with varying ages (children, teenagers, adults, and elderly), physical challenges, economic and financial status, and ethnic backgrounds.
Double Mountain Coach Rural Transit District shall ensure that no person shall be excluded from the participation, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity undertaken by DMC, solely by the reason of his/her race, color, religion or non-religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.  DMC assures full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended (section 504), the Civil Rights restoration Act of 1987 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities.

Fare Schedule--One-Way Trip Per Person
Effective February 1, 2020

Local Service-$1.00 (5 miles or less
6-20 miles  -   $2.00
21-40 miles  -  $4.00
41-60 miles  -  $6.00
61-80 miles  -  $8.00
81-100 miles  -  $10.00
101+ miles -  $.10/mile

Double Mountain Coach provides rural transportation for residents of Stonewall, Kent, Fisher, Knox, Jones, Haskell, and Throckmorton counties.  Contact us for information about how we can help you get where you need to go.

Office Hours
8:00 am-5:00 pm​